Monday, March 25, 2013

Open door policy?

    What is the policy at your house about neighborhood children, friends etc and knocking? I have found myself more than once in the last week, having to remind not only children, but adults as well, that they should knock or ring the doorbell before entering. I find it a practice of common courtesy, not only to knock, but to wait until you have been invited into a house to just barge in. 

    I also have a huge, I mean HUGE pet peeve of people walking in with their shoes on as well.  I live in South Florida, there is sand everywhere! (I really do mean everywhere) I feel like I spend most of my day cleaning the floors, and picking up after children. So when people walk in and don't remove their shoes, I feel like I have just been disrespected. I do make allowances for simple quick drop-bys, I am not going to ask someone that walks in with difficult shoes on to remove them. So with these new, uninvited guests, I am now cleaning my floors after other people, plus picking up after them. 
    For those of you that have followed me for any length of time know, I have four children, and that alone is a full time job in itself. When you add on cleaning, plus child management, it seems like my job never ends, as I am sure almost 100% of moms and dads feel the same way. On top of all of that, I watch 2 children, 5 days a week, for 10 hours each day. So this whole ordeal with people just walking in and traipsing around the house is becoming overwhelming to me and my husband. If you were in our place, how would you tactfully address the situation without hurting someones feelings? 

Saving $ With Jen receives free products for review purposes, and may sometimes be compensated for posts. Posts may also contain affiliate (marketing) links. All opinions expressed are solely from Saving $With Jen and were/are not influenced by any form of compensation. I only recommend products that I believe will benefit my readers. Please see the DisclosurePolicy for complete details.

Friday, March 1, 2013

$200 Cash Thank You Giveaway

Welcome to MY $200 Cash Thank You Giveaway!


My Vegan Gluten Free Life is celebrating passing 15,000 Fans on Facebook and we are having a Thank You giveaway for my readers. It is all because of YOU, my readers that My Vegan Gluten Free Life is growing! And we are so thankful!

I had asked my readers what they would like as a Thank You gift and I got some great ideas such as a solar dehydrator, juicer, vegan gluten-free goodies or cookbooks and even donations to P.E.T.A. These are all great ideas, but I decided to give away $200 CASH via PayPal Cash or a Visa Gift Card to one lucky reader as my way of saying Thank You. I thought that giving cash would make it easier for the winner to get or give exactly what they would like as my thank you gift.

So again, I want to say THANK YOU so much to my readers! I really appreciate you! I hope you will continue to leave comments on posts and contacting me regarding your concerns. I want to get to know you even better. My goal is to make this blog a place you love to come to for sharing and commenting on health concerns, recipes and more! And most important is that I want this blog to feel like a safe place to share your concerns.

Now on to the $200 Cash Thank You Giveaway.

Listen up my Canadian friends, this $200 Cash Thank You Giveaway is open to the US and Canada!
You must be 18+ to qualify to win.
This event will close March 16 at 12:00 AM EST.
Cash will be awarded by the winners choice of either PayPal Cash or Visa Gift Card.
Enter below on the Rafflecopter:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can never say Thank You too much can you? So Thank You readers!

Saving $ With Jen receives free products for review purposes, and may sometimes be compensated for posts. Posts may also contain affiliate (marketing) links. All opinions expressed are solely from Saving $With Jen and were/are not influenced by any form of compensation. I only recommend products that I believe will benefit my readers. Please see the DisclosurePolicy for complete details.
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